The name Jonah in Hebrew means "dove". Jonah is the son of Amittai which means truth, so Jonah son of Amittai can be interpreted as a "dove in truth" and was a prophet from the 8th century BC who foretold the restoration of Israel's boundaries by Jeroboam II (786-746 BC), king of Samaritan. It is not clear that it is told both in the book of Jonah and also in the second book of Kings about the family of Jonah. What is clear is that he came from Gath-Hepher, a city on the border of Zebulun and Naphtali.
The Book of Jonah itself is thought to have been written in Palestine around the 5th century BC when the Jews were still recovering from Babylonian exile, a serious threat to their existence. Over the span of 2 centuries (9th and 8th centuries BC), several major powers have broken away from territories previously seized by King David and King Solomon. In 722 B.C.E., Assyria defeated the Northern Kingdom and took the leaders into exile.
It is stated in the article that the book of Jonah was thought to be written in Palestine around 5 BC. However, the area wasn't called Palestine at that was Judea and Samaria. Palestine as a name only existed after the Bar Kokhba revolt that was from 132AD to 135 AD. After the Roman's defeated the Jews in the Bar Kokhba Revolt, the Romans renamed Judea and Samaria after the Jew's enemies to further humiliate them...they named the area after the Phillistines and that is how the area eventually became to be known as Palestine. So, if the book of Jonah was though to be written in was written in Judea/Samaria, not Palestine.- Sncw