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Hildegard von Bingen (1098 to 1179)

Hildegard von Bingen Public Domain Hildegard von Bingen commemorative coin

Saint Hildegard the Sibyl of the Rhine

The 11th century nun was a remarkable figure in German history. As a theologian with visionary charisma and at the same time a universal scholar, she left her mark on her time and is still unforgotten today. Man, environment, body and soul, everything is in constant connection according to Hildegard. Therefore, her valuable writings contribute to the understanding of life, nature, the environment and the salvation of the soul right up to the present day.

As the founder and director of a women's monastery, she was already revered by her contemporaries as an ambassador of God. She left behind an extensive literary oeuvre. These include theological writings, collections of letters, biographies of saints, an autobiography, poems and songs, as well as books on medicine and natural history. Hildegard von Bingen compositions stand at the beginning of classical music. At that time, the instruments were still very simple and the music was rather monotonous compared to later composers.

Hildegard von Bingen is considered the first representative of German mysticism in the Middle Ages. Her works deal with religion, medicine, music, ethics and cosmology, among other things. She was also an advisor to many important personalities. An extensive correspondence from her has been preserved, which also contains clear admonitions to high-ranking contemporaries, as well as reports on extensive pastoral journeys and her public preaching activities.

On 7 October 2012, Pope Benedict XVI elevated St Hildegard to the rank of Doctor Ecclesiae Universalis and extended her veneration to the universal Catholic Church. Her relics are in the parish church of Eibingen.

Given to the monastery at a young age (1098)

Given to the monastery at a young age Public Domain Sketch of Bisibodenberg Monastery

Hildegard of Bingen was born as the tenth child of the nobleman Hildebert of Bermersheim and his wife Mechthild in Bermersheim near Alzey.

At the age of eight, Hildegard was given by her parents to the cloistered nun Jutta von Sponheim on Disibodenberg for spiritual training. The hermitage was attached to the monastery. At the monastery, the young Hildegard was taught to sing the psalms and the songs of David. She also received instruction in the "Regula Benedicti", in liturgy and in parts of the "Artes Liberales" (rhetoric, dialectic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music and grammar). Thus the girl enjoyed a comprehensive education. The monasteries of the Benedictines were centres of science and meeting places for the arts and education at this time.

Hildegard took holy vows and became a Benedictine (1113)

Hildegard took holy vows and became a Benedictine Public Domain Statue by Karlheinz Oswald

After the death of the cloistered nun Jutta von Sponheim, Hildegard was elected spiritual mother of the nunnery at the age of 38. She was a woman of prayer and so she received many visions and documented them. This resulted in a body of writing that is unparalleled in the European history of the High Middle Ages and even surpassed the men of her time. Her first work: "SCIVIAS" (Know the Ways) describes her vision of creation and the redemption of the world.  

The Benedictine Hildegard explained her visions as a sudden knowledge of the contents of the Holy Scriptures. Thus, according to her visions, the deeper secrets of the divine scriptures were revealed to her. She attached great importance to the fact that the visions did not come over her in an ecstasy, but always in her right mind.

Confirmation by a papal commission (1147)

Confirmation by a papal commission Public Domain Painting of Hildegard of Bingen

In the run-up to the papal synod of Trier in 1147/1148, papal commissions had examined and confirmed Hildegard of Bingen's gift of sight. As a consequence, Pope Eugene the Third officially recognised the gift of sight by reading from her work SCIVIA and encouraging her to continue her work. This confirmation from the highest ecclesiastical authority made Hildegard known far beyond her region.

Foundation of the Rupertsberg monastery near Binge (1150)

Foundation of the Rupertsberg monastery near Binge Public Domain Ruine of Rupertsberg

Hildegard von Bingen founded the Rupertsberg monastery near Bingen in 1150. The community in the monastery grew over the years and she became very well known in the area. Many people came to her for pastoral advice and help. She maintained an extensive correspondence with important contemporaries from politics and the church. These included: Popes Eugene III, Anastasius IV, Hadrian IV, and Alexander III, the Archbishops of Cologne, Salzburg, Trier and Mainz, as well as the Emperor Barbarossa, King Henry II of England, King Conrad III, the Countess of Sulzbach and Empress of Byzantium, and numerous other dukes, abbots and priests.

But she also addressed the common people in written form to advise and support them. Thus she came to be known as the "Rhenish Sibyl", the ambassador of God. Her songs also offer a rich visionary perspective.

The seeress Hildegard's view of the world and of humanity is determined by the natural forces of the cosmos down to the most concrete details. Her fundamental joy in being goes hand in hand with her existential participation in all illnesses and the sick.

Creation of various works (1151)

Creation of various works Public Domain Hildegard the virgin

At the height of her creative powers, the following works were written:

- PHYSICA (Healing Power of Nature) and CAUSAE ET CURAE (Causes and Treatments of Diseases - Healing Knowledge).

- LIBER VITAE MERITORUM (Book of the Merits of Life)

- Also during these three years, Hildegard undertook three missionary and preaching journeys to Franconia, Lorraine and the Rhineland.

Takeover of the Eibingen Monastery (1165)

Takeover of the Eibingen Monastery Public Domain Eibingen Monastery

In 1163, the "Rhenish Sibyl" began writing her last important work, LIBER DIVINORUM OPERUM (The Book of Divine Works), concerning her visions.  

In about 1165 she took over the monastery of Eibingen near Rüdesheim. In 1170 she undertook a fourth missionary and preaching journey to Swabia. She supported the abbots of Maulbronn, Hirsau and Zwiefalten with her advice.

The announced death (1179)

The announced death Public Domain Hildegards coffin

Hildegard died at the age of 81 (17.09.1179) on the Rupertsberg near Bingen. The "Vita" of Hildegard of Bingen states that God had told her of her own death in a vision. She then also communicated this to the nuns in the convent. It was reported that after her death a bright light shone over her grave for days. Afterwards, many miraculous healings took place at her grave, which is why people came en masse to ask for healing. This caused a lot of unrest in the tranquil life of the monastery and it became too much for the clergy. So the Bishop of Mainz was summoned and came to Hildegard's grave. There he forbade her to work any more miracles. The deceased obeyed beyond her death and so there were no more healing miracles. Hildegard was a woman who strictly followed the rules of the spiritual leaders during her lifetime.

Embedded Videos

The Mystics: Sr. Hildegard of Bingen

St. Hildegard of Bingen

We Were Warned: The Prophecies of St. Hildegard of Bingen

VocaMe - O tu illustrata - Hildegard von Bingen

Hildegard von Bingen: Hymns and Songs (12th century)

St. Hildegard von Bingen - Spiritus Sanctus

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