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Amos (-802 to -745)

Amos Creative Commons A portrait of Amos

The farmer prophet

Amos was a prophet in Israel in the 8th century BC. Nothing is known about the prophet Amos outside of his writings. The name Amos means “burden.” He was a resident of the Tekoa region of Judah, which is about 16 km south of Jerusalem and 6 km south of Bethlehem. Tekoa Village is located in the hills about a thousand meters above sea level. Its agricultural territory was fertile, had several sources of water, and provided an important lookout for the defense of Judah's territory (Jeremiah 6:1). Amos was called from the village to deliver the message at the Bethel shrine. He was not a professional prophet who was tied to a place of pilgrimage or worship, but according to his confession, he was a breeder and keeper of date palms or forest fruit seekers. So, most likely he was not raised in the class of prophets and did not go through education to become a prophet in schools or associations.

Prophet Amos background (-791)

Prophet Amos background Public Domain Prophet Amos

Amos was a prophet in Israel in the 8th century BC. Nothing is known about the prophet Amos outside of his writings. The name Amos means "burden." He is a resident of the Tekoa region of Judah, which is about 16 km south of Jerusalem and 6 km south of Bethlehem. Amos was called from the village to deliver message at the Bethel shrine. He was not a professional prophet who was tied to a place of pilgrimage or worship, but according to his confession, he was a breeder and keeper of date palms or a seeker of forest fruit. so, most likely he was not raised in the class of prophets and did not go through education to become a prophet in schools or associations.

According to the Christian Bible record (Amos 1:1), Amos worked during the reign of king Uzziah, of the Southern Kingdom and in the days of Jeroboam II, son of Joash, the Northern Kingdom. At that time, the Northern Kingdom was experiencing its heyday, especially in the economic, military and political fields. However, Amos encountered many social injustices rife in society; extensive international trade for the benefit of the rulers; deceptive business practices against the poor and powerless; and the expropriation of land belonging to the poor. At that time religious ceremonies continued to be preserved, but they were carried out in tandem with wickedness. Sacrificial offerings were expensive, but they were money given to them by the poor.

The words of Amos (-766)

The words of Amos Creative Commons Prophet Amos holding a scroll

As a shepherd chosen by God, Amos was tasked with proclaiming the signs of judgment and that the end of the Northern Kingdom was coming. He proclaimed a very harsh and strong judgment for the king and for the people of Israel, that their land would be lost, the people would be expelled, and the leaders would be destroyed by war. He emphasized the authority and love of God which must be expressed for a common life in love and justice, especially for those who are marginalized and oppressed. Amos attributed the injustice that occurred around him with a tendency to enrich himself and ignore God's commandment to pay attention to the common interest.

Amos also expressed criticism, warnings and threats against the habits of people who only seek profit for themselves and do not remember God's love for them. In terms of religion, Amos expressed his criticism that their worship would not be acceptable if it was not based on a repentant heart attitude and a living faith, which was reflected in the lives of humans and others. Therefore, God worked out salvation not only for Israel but also for all nations.

In addition, one of the highlights of Amos' proclamation is the disappearance of warnings against the reverence of gods / goddesses, which characterizes the criticism of his contemporaries. Thus, Jahwe is recognized as universal God, One God. The attitude and understanding of monotheism that will develop in what is called "deutero Isaiah". Amos' language style is simple but very harsh and sharp, filled with criticism and threats, because Israel is complacent about its status as God's chosen people. The entirety of Amos' proclamation can be illustrated by observing several things, namely: five visions which signal the fate of the kingdom of the North; Amos controversy with the Amazian priest; and Amos' discussion with listeners about his relationship with God.

Embedded Videos

Overview: Amos

The Prophet Amos in 5 Minutes

Bible Stories for Kids! The Story of Amos

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